I swim in my ocean, watching the sky touches my water...
My favorite view... but, I'm alone
I dive deep into my ocean, colours made by my water and the sun...
playing with the spectrum as I got deeper...
really nice blend.. but I'm alone
I surf on the wave made by my water...
perfect cylindrical shape... perfect breeze to feel...
every-thing's perfect... but still, I'm alone..
Than all of a sudden, something's appear in front of me,
something strange.. didn't suppose to be here.
It's a lion!!
A lion doesn't belong here, not in my water.. nor my ocean
A lion can't swim... can't life in the water.
But something different about this one... this one can swim..
He seems to enjoy my water... my ocean
He smiles at me and says in his silent:
"may I join you?... I would love to keep you accompany"...
He didn't talk, but he speaks..
speaks with no voice, but I understand.
I calmly noded my head..
We look into each other's eyes.. and started to smile.
As the sun touches the horizon,
and make golden reflection on my water...
my heart whispers:
"I know you are a king of your jungle, but you may also be the king of my ocean... someday" :)
"Thank you for the sunset.."