Saturday, December 31, 2005

So Nice (Summer Samba)

So Nice (Summer Samba)
(Lyrics by Paulo Sérgio Valle, Norman Gimbel)

Someone to hold me tight
That would be very nice
Someone to love me right
That would be very nice
Someone to understand
Each little dream in me
Someone to take my hand
And be a team with me

So nice, life would be so nice
If one day I'd find
Someone who would take my hand
And samba through life with me

Someone to cling to me
Stay with me right or wrong
Someone to sing to me
Some little samba song
Someone to take my heart
And give his heart to me
Someone who's ready to
Give love a start with me

Oh yeah, that would be so nice
I could see you and me, that would be nice

Bebel Gilberto

Thursday, December 29, 2005

The Views...

Well.. just wanna share with U guys the nice view that I had from my room (it's probably nothing special for some of U, but it's an enjoyable thing for me :) )

the neighbourhood looks nice in white

Nice sunset.. you don't get this view often in a weather like this :) I guess

Nice Quiet Days :)

"Ditinggal pulang kampung"... itulah penyebab bagaimana saya bisa mendapatkan waktu untuk 'bertapa' disini. Ya, ternyata di Jerman pun tradisi pulang kampung ada juga,seperti kita kalo lebaran lah. Dan berhubung semua anggota 'kosan' disini ternyata berasal dari luar Munich.. walhasil mereka semua pulang kampung.. tinggalah saya sendiri yang tinggal di 'loteng' (kok jadi kyk Hunchback of Notre Dame yah.. hehehe). Rata2 mereka pulang tanggal 24 Desember dan kembali ke sini tanggal 28.

OK.. tanggal 24 Desember.. lumayan menyenangkan karena saya sempat mengunjungi "Christmas Market" di Marienplatz, salah satu daerah andalan kota Munich. Walaupun jam 2 semua stand dan toko2 sudah pada 'kukut-kukut', walhasil jam 3 sore saya sudah berada di rumah lagi... sendirian.. (walaupun di Jkt saya juga terbiasa sendiri di rumah, tapi kan ps. Mayestik buka sampai jam 7 malam, atau tinggal jln 15 menit ke PS, atau cegat bis dlm 10 menit sampai di PIM, dan pastinya bisa menghabiskan waktu sampai malam).

Bingung mau ngapain akhirnya pilihan pertama saya (seperti biasa) adalah browsing di internet, sambil cari2 teman yang lagi on-line. Dan lumayan... bisa menghabiskan waktu sampai tengah malam, sempet liat bubaran gereja depan yang mengadakan arak2an bawa2 lilin2 dan beberapa alat musik yang pd awalnya saya pikir ada drumband mlm2 hihihi.

25 Desember... paraaahhh.. garink abis2an hehehe... untung saja teman saya memberikan ide untuk download film2 animasi pendek yang ternyata lumayan seru, check it out: . Walhasil ya hampir seharian saya nonton film2 itu. Makan siang..mkn malam semua dgn bekal bawaan dr Jakarta (terlalu malas untuk keluar, dan juga gak ada toko yg buka).

Menu makan di hari natal :P

Dan akhirnya ketika sudah 'mati gaya' hehehe... justru bergaya lah saya didepan kamera, foto2 diri sendiri maksudnya... hhmmm maaf terlalu bangga dgn diri sendiri memang gak asik.. tapi gimana dong gak tahan.. mau pamer foto.. kalau orang lain mungkin akan memajang foto2 travelling ketika di monumen ini... di depan gedung itu, ditaman anu.. saya cukup memajang foto2 saya di dalam kamar.. maklum GARING BOS!!

OK.. gara2 bener2 kepepet... dan gak ada temen2 yang on-line "Hey where are U guys!!!"

Dengan sedikit menyesal.. dan banyak bangga, saya mempublikasi karya2 ini :P

Tetap berusaha setia menunggu org2 yg OL hhhmmm just feels like smilling :)

Nope.. I'm not weird.. just bored and too proud of myself hehehe

Hhhhmmm... dan baru sadar setelah bergarink2 ria.. ternyata sudah lebih dari 24 jam saya gak ngomong (kecuali ngobrol di internet yang berarti ngetik, atau tertawa krn menonton fillm2 animasi absurd itu... --> Tertawa sama sekali bukan berbicara kan?)

Waaaa... direnggut... sudah 24 jam tdk mendengar suara saya sendiri..hhmmmm
menarik juga...

Sssttt rekor ini mau diperpanjang sampai 2 hari hehehe...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

My 1st Christmas Dinner

I think it was the.. 22nd of December.. when the department that I work in at ARRI had a christmas dinner, in a restaurant at Marienplatz.

The entertainment... hhmmm kinda fun :P

The Masters... The Padawan... hehehe

The department's house dog.. kinda cute that way hehehe

THE MEAL... "ANGSA GENDENG" (that's "crazy goose" hehehe) this goose's leg is as big as a goat's leg!! (well Indonesian goat that is...)

..and my new fantastic friends.. Ole & Oli hihihi.. (kinda like duo don't they?) :P

hhmmm yeah.. nice christmas dinner

22 December 2005

Song for Mama

You taught me everything
And everything you’ve given me
I always keep it inside
You’re the driving force in my life, yeah
There isn’t anything
Or anyone I can be
And it just wouldn’t feel right
If I didn’t have you by my side
You were there for me to love and care for me
When skies were grey
Whenever I was down
You were always there to comfort me
And no one else can be what you have been to me
You’ll always be you always will be the girl
In my life for all times

Mama, mama you know I love you
Oh you know I love you
Mama, mama you’re the queen of my heart
Your love is like
Tears from the stars
Mama, I just want you to know
Lovin’ you is like food to my soul

You’re always down for me
Have always been around for me even when I was bad
You showed me right from my wrong
Yes you did
And you took up for me
When everyone was downin’ me
You always did understand
You gave me strength to go on
There was so many times
Looking back when I was so afraid
And then you come to me
And say to me I can face anything
And no one else can do
What you have done for me
You’ll always be
You will always be the girl in my life

Mama, mama you know I love you
Oh you know I love you
Mama, mama you’re the queen of my heart
Your love is like
Tears from the stars
Mama, I just want you to know
Lovin’ you is like food to my soul


It's been so long since I last remember about Mother's Day. Funny how memories just pops up in our minds when we're far away :)

Just remember, that when I was a little girl.. I always looked up at my mom and said in my heart.. "I wanna be like her when I grow up", and I remember that everytime I looked at her, I always said to her "you're the most beautiful woman in my life.."

...and the thought still remains...

I love you Mom... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY*

*in Indonesia the Mother's Day is on Dec 22nd

Monday, December 26, 2005

Kerja 'Kantoran'

--> Hari pertama, langsung dpt meja :)

Yak.. Carita 'kerja kantoran'.. hehehe terdengar aneh memang. Tapi demi mendapat suatu pengalaman yang berharga kan gak ada salahnya tokh...
Tenang, kerja freelance sih selalu, kan sebagai "Freelancer Tetap" (loh gimana sih?..) harus mempertahankan reputasi, nanti sepulang dari negeri jauh ini, kolingan (that's : calling - an ) heheehe tetap dinanti.

Jadi ceritanya nih, tidak mau melewatkan kesempatan berharga. Mumpung dapet, mumpung bisa, mumpung ditawarin. Kapan lagi ditawarin (dibayar lagi) untuk ikut 'training program' oleh sebuah perusahaan kamera film yang sudah mendunia ini... iya, namanya Arnold & Richter Cine-Technik, atau org2 lebih mengenalnya sebagai ARRI. Mereka sedang mengembangkan sebuah kamera film-digital (hhhmmm), digital film-style camera kalo menurut istilah mereka. Namanya D-20.. sebetulnya saya mau menjelaskan seperti apa kamera ini.. tapi nanti jadi terlalu teknis.. org2 pd bosan hehehe.

Ya, pokoknya sekitar awal tahun lalu saya iseng2 (atas saran seorang teman,guru,kakak, atau apa lah... "thx Mas!!.." ) korespodensi dgn para ahli yang mengerjakan proyek ini, sekalian mencari info karena harus menyelesaikan sebuah 'tugas mulia' dr kampus. Ternyata mereka blg lebih baik saya kesini saja (Munich) agar dpt lebih intens dan benar2 'bersentuhan' dengan apa yang hendak dibahas, dan hebatnya lagi! mereka bersedia menyediakan biaya bagi kebutuhan hidup saya selama disini...!! kalau.. proposal saya diterima :)

Nah.. itulah kenapa saya bisa disini sekarang. Satu minggu sudah merasakan kerja kantoran (dan sekarang libur 2 minggu!! hehe)
Sempat juga mengikuti sebuah produksi iklan, karena produksinya memakai kamera D-20 itu.

Dan satu yang saya sadari ternyata sama seperti di tanah air adalah :

Seorang "Camera Assistant" wajib, kudu, harus memiliki keahlian memijat, karena suatu saat akan dituntut untuk memijat oleh DoP (Director of Photography) -nya... hehehe.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Nice Hair.. Dude!

Just realized... (after a week)

That Dove shampoo combine with the snow and cold dry winter... can make my hair really into these stylish cool look (hahaha yeah right)..

In the morning...

...and at night

Who needs styling gell??!! :P

Friday, December 23, 2005

3 of My Favorite Stars

I always love the sky..
Especially at night.
It's nice how the stars r always there..
watching you.

Even in the most lonely nights,
U wont feel alone, cause U know they're there :)

The moon has always been my sanctuary,
and the stars are my fullfillment.

They can make me smile, can even make me laugh.
The nights when they're not there..
is the night that I might feel my sorrow,
I know you're all there.. It's just that I can't see you.

But among all the stars.. There're only 3 that I consider the best.
That can and will always bring happiness to me.
It's you guys..

I love you

...and will always miss U!!

Subuh Pake Lonceng

OK... Pada waktu pagi pertama di kamar ini, saya dikejutkan dengan bunyi lonceng gereja sebelah yang berdentang bersamaan dengan alarm yang menandakan waktu sholat subuh dari PDA saya.
Hhmmm setelah dipikir2 besok2 berarti tdk perlu lagi memasang alarm subuh, hehe agak ironis dan beda memang..biasa mendengar adzan berkumandang subuh2.. sekarang dengar lonceng berdentang subuh2 (FYI disini subuh sekitar jam 6-7 utk saat sekarang)

Tampak samping tower gereja dr jendela kamar..


Finally, I'm here... well it's been 10 days, n I'm feeling great untill now (hope it'll stay this way hehehe).
I'm staying with Alex, this nice guy from ARRI who let me stay in a room up on the Attic (n I love it!) in his Flat (well we live at the 3rd floor, the 2nd floor is a restaurant and the 1st is a Bakery), kinda cool that way :)

My room...

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Capoeira Sejak Dini

Ya.. bersih-bersih adalah salah satu pelatihan capoeira yg kami terapkan pd balita..

Cah.. gemblung :P

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

KM 0 Indonesia

Bangga deh rasanya sudah pernah menginjakkan kaki ke kilometer 0 Indonesia, iya diujung sabang sana. Thx to Agus&Rony, yang ngajak 'liburan' setelah shooting "Sejarah Negeri yang Karam" di Ulelheue Banda Aceh.
--> Bukti hehe :P

Menatap senja...